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Outsourcing finance functions can save your business time and money - both in the short and long term.

Setting up a business - we put things in order

There's a lot to keep track of when starting a business or establishing a new branch.

At inforevision, we assist both Danish and foreign companies in getting registered correctly. We also help establish efficient workflows and systemize things from the beginning.

This saves the company time and money in both the short and long term.

Get qualified advice

When setting up a new business, assistance is typically needed for:

  • Building business processes and routines
  • Registering your business with SKAT and other authorities
  • ERP system selection and master data creation
  • Payroll system selection and employee creation
  • Building reporting routines
  • Ongoing dialog and sparring with owners and other advisors

Foreign companies setting up in Denmark will typically need:

  • Advice and assistance regarding Danish conditions
  • Ongoing dialog with local and international management, finance department and auditor

Read more:

> Accounting & reporting

> Payroll administration

> Starting a business

> Temporary services
