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We specialize in small and medium-sized businesses and we work with all types of companies.

Auditing and advising small and medium-sized companies in the capital, Copenhagen and Zealand

As state-authorized public accountants, inforevision ensures that the accounts give a true and fair view of the company's financial situation. With this insight, we also advise on where the company can be streamlined, strengthened or get even more out of its activities.

Our audit services are primarily related to:

  • Financial statements
  • Consolidated financial statements
  • Interim financial statements
  • Opening balances
  • Grant accounting
  • Other accounts
  • Partial inventories

We perform audits for all types of companies and clients

Our expertise is small and medium-sized companies located in the capital, Copenhagen and Zealand, and we work for all types of companies - public and private limited companies, partnerships, K/Ss, self-governing institutions, housing associations and others that are subject to statutory and statutory auditing, or who simply want an audit of the accounts.

A reliable basis for decision-making for owners and managers

We have developed our own audit program to ensure efficient workflows and high quality. This allows us to focus on providing owners and managers with a reliable decision-making basis for the further operation and development of the company.

A permanent team on the job

We put together the right team for each customer. When needed, we also draw on the specialist functions in-house.

Audit or extended review?

Some companies may choose to have an extended financial review instead of a normal audit. An extended review is cheaper than an audit, but not always the best choice. It depends on the complexity of your business, its ownership structure, management and financial situation, and what your bank, for example, values.

Are you a business located in the capital, Copenhagen or Zealand? Learn more about who can opt for extended review and what you should consider.
