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An efficient and systematic process helps you uncover the risk landscape you need to navigate.

How do you uncover business risks?

An effective and systematic process helps you uncover the risk landscape you need to navigate. Based on this, you can establish an internal control framework that can avert or minimize risks. This allows you to respond competently and in a timely manner to the changing demands, threats and agendas you face as a business. 

Risk management is an ongoing and dynamic process

Risk register

  • Structure
  • At a glance
  • Quantitative risk assessment

Risk categories

  • Strategic
  • Operational
  • Financial Compliance

Probability and consequence of risk

  • Low
  • Between
  • High

Risk reaction

  • Accept
  • Avoid the following
  • Reducer
  • Transfer
  • Share

Find out more

If you want to learn more about how your organization can take a practical approach to implementing risk management, check out 5 steps to effective risk management here. 

> Intro: Strategic risk management and internal controls
> Why are internal controls part of risk management?
> How do you uncover business risks?
> What does it take to get started?
> What can inforevision help with?
