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We think in whole solutions and know how to turn IT systems into tools that support your business.

Financial systems and consulting assistance

infoit supports small and medium-sized businesses.

Our starting point is financial systems, where we assist with solutions from licensing, implementation, development, support and operation. Our partners are experienced and solution-oriented with the customer's needs as the focal point.

We focus on automating all or parts of the processes in the finance function, supporting customers' employees to be used properly and less and less on trivial tasks that technology can solve faster and better.

Cloud, hosting and user support

We provide cloud and outsourcing services and believe that small and medium-sized businesses should look for partners who can service their IT solutions via cloud platforms; either in the form of hosted solutions or on some of the larger cloud platforms such as Microsoft 365 - we do.

Our IT support team ensures that in addition to the finance function's solutions, we also provide the company with IT consulting assistance and support within Microsoft Windows and Office 365, security, user support, and PC setup and maintenance.

Contact infoit

We are always ready to meet. Let's have a no-obligation conversation about what you and your business need and what we can offer. Just fill in the fields in the form and we will contact you shortly.

You are also welcome to call or email: +45 39 53 50 00 /
