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2025 - a year with many unknowns. A new year is already well underway. In Denmark, we are entering ...
January 3, 2025

2025 - a year with many unknowns

By Flemming Andreasen
Managing Partner, inforevision

A new year is already well underway. In Denmark, we enter 2025 with a thriving and growing economy. Over the past year, inflation has been brought under control, prices have stabilized and GDP has grown by approximately 2.1%. All in all, a good start to 2025.

The same cannot be said for Ukraine, the Middle East and other parts of the world where wars, conflicts and political tensions have taken over reality. What are we looking into?

Walls and barriers in the US

2025 will again be a year of many unknowns. What we do know for sure is that the Trump administration will once again occupy the White House and that the change of president will usher in change both inside and outside the US.

Both before and after the election, Trump has warned of tariff walls and trade barriers against both the EU and China as part of his America First policy.

The question is whether the future president will follow through on his threats and what consequences this could have for our exports to and trade with the North American market.

Tough requirements for cybersecurity

Another concrete threat is borderless and truly global. It is the risk of cyberattacks against the IT systems and infrastructure of private and governmental companies and institutions.

At the end of last year, new EU legislation, NIS2, came into force. The law sets strict requirements for the cybersecurity of critical companies in areas such as energy supply, healthcare, finance and emergency response.

At inforevision, Digital Trust is a growing business area. Among other things, we are experiencing a high demand for IT auditor statements, so that companies can document how they comply with certain procedures and standards within information security.

EU legislation creates ripples in the water

Information and cyber security requirements are spreading like ripples from large enterprises to their suppliers and partners in smaller or medium-sized businesses.

The same will most likely happen with the new EU legislation on sustainability. This will require the largest companies to report on their human, environmental and behavioral sustainability (CSRD reporting) from the financial year 2024 onwards.

Legislation requires that sustainability reporting is validated by auditors, and inforevision has prepared the organization for this. We look forward to performing both validation and advisory tasks for our customers. 

Congratulations to talented colleagues

Inforevision has had an exciting and busy 2024. We have again expanded our office and shared facilities in Søborg so that the organization can develop physically, professionally and business-wise.

In November, we also celebrated that two of our auditors, Charlotte Preisler Friedlænder and Mette Schüsler, both graduated as state authorized public accountants. As a workplace, we are very proud of their efforts.

On behalf of inforevision, I wish everyone a happy and peaceful 2025.