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A full backup ensures that, for example, a true copy of the entire ...
August 24, 2020

Are you taking the right backup?

Dropbox and Google Drive don't back up your computer. So what do you do with programs, settings and software licenses if it crashes?

If a computer or hard drive is lost due to a virus, fire, theft, accidental damage or anything else, it can be critical for a company. Even if you have documents and files in the cloud with services like Dropbox or Google Drive, everything else is gone.

An annoying situation that can be avoided

"It can be a huge task to restore programs, find licenses, install software and remember special settings. We've seen several examples of this at infoit, and it's an annoying situation - especially because it doesn't have to be particularly expensive or difficult to avoid," says Martin Willemoes, Operations Manager at infoit.

Quick to reinstall with full backup

A full backup ensures that a true copy of the entire computer, including programs, settings and all the data stored in the system, is automatically saved once a day. This allows you to quickly reinstall the computer so that it works as before.

A network hard drive can also crash

For Martin Willemoes and his colleagues at infoit, the importance of backup is always part of their dialog with customers, and although most people have some form of backup, many are less covered than they thought.

"Most people use synchronization services - such as Dropbox and Google Drive - which are good for files, but don't back up the entire computer. Some customers also back up to a USB or network hard drive, but they can also crash and then you're in trouble," says Martin Willemoes.

He also points out that files in Dropbox and Google Drive, for example, can only be restored for a limited period of time - typically 30 days. Changes older than this are lost.

Backup doesn't have to be expensive and cumbersome

infoitrecommends having at least one full backup - preferably in the cloud. There are solutions that you can set up in your own company, and there are also cloud solutions that take backup as long as the computer has access to the internet.

"It doesn't have to be expensive and difficult to protect yourself against crashes, hacking, theft, etc. What matters is that you address the issue and know your options," says Martin Willemoes.

More information

infoithelps small and medium-sized companies with IT projects and operational tasks. If you have any questions or need assistance with IT solutions and IT security, please contact us. You can also read more about us here.

Martin Willemoes
Operations Manager in infoit
Tel. 39 53 50 00