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infotransactions has assisted the owners of ApS with financial advice in ...
September 19, 2023 sold to Montrose

The American company Montrose Environmental Group has acquired the Danish company ApS, which since 2022 has developed technologies, techniques, methods and solutions for the purification of water and the treatment of PFAS compounds.

Industrial wastewater treatment has customers in both the public and private sectors, and the company has built up a solid experience in delivering solutions that meet customers' specific needs.

Industrial wastewater treatment development projects aim to find effective methods to remove harmful substances and particles in the water so that it can be reused or released into nature without harming the environment.

A team from infotransactions

infotransactions has assisted the owners of ApS with financial advice in connection with the sales process. The team consisted of partner, Head of infotransactions Bo Risom Jensen and partner, state-authorized public accountant Martin Hansen and head of inforevision's tax department Flemming Saabye.

Additional information

If you need advice or assistance in connection with buying and selling companies, you are very welcome to contact us. See more of infotransactions' cases here.

Bo Risom Jensen
Partner, Head of infotransactions
T: +45 21 71 99 14