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Privacy policy

Getting started

Security and confidentiality is a prerequisite and a commitment for our work at inforevisionand we are continuously working to update our data protection guidelines, including personal data protection.

As an audit and consulting firm, we offer a wide range of services, including statutory audit and other assurance services as well as consulting and advisory services. We consider ourselves independent data controllers when we perform statutory audit and other assurance services for our customers as well as when we perform other services where inforevision determines the purpose of the processing and the relevant means.

When we provide consulting and advisory services, including business services and payroll administration, hosting services, etc. we consider ourselves data processors, as we process data on behalf of the customer and according to the customer's instructions. In these situations, the customer must enter into a data processing agreement with us containing instructions and terms for our processing of personal data.

The following privacy policy contains information about inforevision's processing of personal data when we are the data controller.

We use this type of data about the customer

We use the data provided by the customer in order to perform the agreed task and for our administration, management and development of our business and services.

Where necessary for the performance of the assignment, we also use data about the customer's financial, tax and business conditions, including, for example, data from the customer's tax file, to the extent that the customer gives us access to it.

Where necessary for the performance of the agreed task, we may also use personal data about the customer's employees, customers and suppliers.

We only process necessary personal data

We only collect, process and store the personal data necessary to perform the agreed tasks. This generally applies to the Personal Register, the Land Registry, the Danish Business Authority, the CVR register, SKAT and the Register of Owners.

In addition, legislation may determine what type of data is necessary to collect and store for our business operations. This applies, for example, to the Bookkeeping Act and the Money Laundering Act (see further below in the last section).

We delete personal data when it is no longer needed

We delete personal data when it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. This will generally be at the end of the customer relationship. However, we always store customer data for accounting purposes for at least 5 years due to the rules in the Bookkeeping Act and the Money Laundering Act.

Disclosure and transfer of personal data

We disclose and transfer personal data to partners and other actors if it is necessary to fulfill the agreement we have entered into with the customer.
We sometimes choose to use data processors, including providers of software, web hosting, backup, security and storage. When data processors are used, it is only for specific purposes and it is still our responsibility that the customer's data is processed in accordance with applicable law and this privacy policy.
We do not disclose personal data for purposes that do not follow from the agreement - e.g. disclosure to others for their marketing purposes - unless we have agreed this with the customer in connection with the collection or obtain consent from the customer after informing them of what their data will be used for. The customer may at any time ask us to stop the disclosure of personal data, regardless of whether it has been agreed or the customer has otherwise consented to it.
However, we do not obtain the customer's consent if we are legally obliged to disclose personal data, for example as part of a statutory report to an authority.

The customer has the right to access their personal data

The customer has the right at any time to know what data we process about them, where it comes from and what we use it for. The customer can also find out how long we store personal data and who receives data about the customer. However, access may be restricted for the protection of other people's privacy, trade secrets and intellectual property rights. The customer can exercise their rights by contacting us.

The customer has the right to have inaccurate personal data corrected or deleted

If the customer believes that the personal data we process about the customer is inaccurate or incorrect, the customer can of course contact us and have it corrected.
In some cases, we will have an obligation to delete personal data. This applies, for example, if the customer withdraws their consent. If the customer believes that the data is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose for which we collected it, the customer can ask to have it deleted. The customer can also contact us if the customer believes that personal data is being processed in violation of legislation or other legal obligations.

The customer has the right to object to our processing of personal data

The customer has the right to object to our processing of personal data. The customer may also object to our disclosure of data for marketing purposes. If the customer's objection is justified, we will stop processing and delete the customer's data unless we are required by law to retain it.

If the customer wishes to exercise their right to data portability, the customer will receive personal data from us in a commonly used format.
The customer has the right to receive the personal data that the customer has made available to us and those we have obtained about the customer from other actors based on the customer's consent.

General information about the customer's use of their rights

If the customer wishes to access data, have it corrected or deleted, or to object to our data processing, we will investigate whether this is possible and respond to your request as soon as possible and no later than one month after we have received the request.

Right to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency

The customer has the right to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency if the customer believes that the processing of personal data does not comply with legal requirements.

Collection of information under the Money Laundering Act

We are obliged to collect information according to the rules of the Money Laundering Act and in this connection:

  • Identity and verification information is obtained as well as copies of identification documents presented when establishing the customer relationship.
  • Obtain documentation and records of transactions conducted as part of a business relationship or standalone transaction.
  • In case of suspicion that the customer is committing money laundering, documents and records will be obtained regarding investigations carried out.
  • Be informed that the information obtained about the customer will only be used to fulfill the auditor's obligations under the Money Laundering Act and not for marketing purposes.
  • Be advised that the information may be disclosed to SØIK in case of suspicion that the customer is suspected of being involved in money laundering.
  • That the customer has a right of access to the registered data.
  • That the data is stored for 5 years and will normally be deleted 5 years after the last engagement with the customer.
  • That the customer has the right to have incorrect information that has been registered corrected.

If a data subject wishes to complain about our processing of their personal data, this can be done to:

The Danish Data Protection Agency
Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
2500 Valby, Denmark

Contact details of the data controller:

inforevision A/S
Buddingevej 312
2860 Søborg, Denmark
Phone: +45 39 53 50 50 00
Fax: +45 39 53 50 99
