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We have access to tax specialists around the world through the international network Moore Global.

International tax

In the Tax Department, we also deal with companies that have activities and companies etc. abroad. We can help with areas such as transfer pricing, international tax, joint taxation and M&A.

inforevision's advice on international taxation

Our customers in this area are mainly Danish companies with foreign owners or with foreign companies within the group.

Our advice covers, among other things:

  • Taking a stand on tax liability
  • Establishing a business in Denmark and/or abroad
  • Tax accounts and tax returns
  • International joint taxation
  • Posting and relocation and assistance in preparing tax returns for expatriates
  • Researcher taxation
  • Exit taxation and valuation of unlisted shares/shares
  • Transfer pricing - documentation
  • Thin capitalization

Access to tax specialists around the world

We continuously follow developments in national and international tax law and practice. Through Moore Global - an international network of independent accounting and advisory firms - we also have access to tax specialists around the world.
