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infotransactions has advised the Canadian private equity fund Lynx Equity Limited in connection ...
8. februar 2022

infotransactions has advised the Canadian private equity fund Lynx Equity Limited in connection with its first acquisition in 2022

The Canadian private equity fund Lynx Equity Limited has acquired the Herning-based company Obel-P Automation A/S, which has many years of experience of specialisation in the production of machines and system solutions in the wood industry.

Obel-P’s products are bought by wood product manufacturers who are looking to optimise their assembly processes and reduce their combined production costs. Obel-P’s product lines include assembly of machines designed to move wood components along the assembly line, as well as high-frequency presses and generators that are used to combine individual components at the end of the production process.

A team from infotransactions consisting of Bo Risom Jensen and Danni Parkhøi has assisted Lynx with advice and financial due diligence in connection with the acquisition.

Link to press release: Lynx is pleased to announce the acquisition of Obel-P Automation A/S – Lynx (lynxequity.com)