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We cover the entire process from start to finish and act as advisors to both buy and sell-side customers

Meet our team

infotransactions is a team of experienced and interdisciplinary consultants working closely together throughout the process. Also, we draw on competent specialists from inforevision.

For each project, we appoint a team of experienced specialists with the right competencies tailored to meet your specific needs.

You are always welcome to take contact for an informal discussion on your considerations and wishes.

Bo Risom Jensen

Head of infotransactions

+45 21 71 99 14

Dennis Deis

Partner, cand.merc.aud.

+45 39 53 50 58

Danni Parkhøi

Senior Manager

+45 21 71 99 12

Özgür Atan

State Authorized Public Accountant

+45 23 42 70 60

Frederik Lerche Nejstgaard


+45 25 76 44 41
