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infotransactions advises Bent Achton/Achton Invest ApS in connection with a management buy-out ...
June 29, 2020

infotransactions advises Bent Achton/Achton Invest ApS in connection with a management buy-out (MBO) of Leon Petersen Gasservice A/S and the plumbing and heating activities of Leon Petersen VVS A/S.

Leon Petersen has been in existence since 1966 and delivers solutions in natural gas, bathrooms and plumbing and heating in Copenhagen and surrounding areas.

The largest bath showroom and store on the island of Zealand is located at the company's address in Ishøj.

A team consisting of Bo Risom Jensen and Danni Parkhøi from infotransactions has advised Bent Achton/Acthon Invest ApS through the entire process.