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infotransactions has assisted Peak Consulting Group with financial advice in connection with the ...
October 27, 2022

infotransactions has assisted Peak Consulting Group with financial advice in connection with the sale to emagine Consulting (formerly ProData)

Peak Consulting Group is a management consultancy and training provider that covers a broad range of professions and specialists. It focuses on a high level of professionalism and good relations between consultant and client in all kinds of tasks.

The company, which is headquartered in Copenhagen and has a branch in Oslo, engages more than 150 experienced IT and management consultants on a daily basis.

The acquisition is a decisive, strategic step towards realizing emagine's ambition to become a European market leader in business and IT consultancy services.

A team primarily consisting of Bo Risom Jensen and Danni Parkhøi has assisted Peak Consulting Group in connection with the transaction.

Read the press release here: