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The VET group: Consolidation in the veterinary profession The VET group consists of a number of ...
August 2, 2019

The VET group: Consolidation in the veterinary profession

VET-gruppen consists of a number of profiled investors and local vets who have joined forces to set higher standards technologically and professionally among the participating veterinary clinics and locally create better treatment of animals. The investors include the foundation Industri Udvikling and several local vets throughout Denmark.

infotransactionshas been involved from start to finish, initially assisting in raising capital, identifying investors and drafting various financial documents.

Subsequently, infotransactionshas assisted in the financial due diligence of potential veterinary clinics. Because of infotransaction's experience in working with owner managers, we have succeeded in setting up a lenient due diligence process which has enabled the owners to maintain focus on the day-to-day operation of the clinics.

VET-gruppen gives independent vets an opportunity to offer their customers a wider range of services through VET-gruppen's network, and at the same time, the individual vet provides the personal framework for the development of the individual clinic. In this way, VET-gruppen differs from traditional investors who focus stringently on earnings and a streamlined image.