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infotransactions advises the Canadian private equity fund Lynx Equity Limited in connection with ...
April 7, 2021

infotransactions advises the Canadian private equity fund Lynx Equity Limited in connection with the acquisition of Yding Gruppen A/S.

Yding Gruppen A/S, with 40 years of experience, offers cleaning and facilities maintenance services for office, retail and residential customers throughout Jutland. Yding Gruppen A/S employs over 100 staff.

The acquisition is prompted by significant synergistic potential with PartnerService ApS, which Lynx acquired in 2017.

The infotransactions team provided financial due diligence and advice to Lynx. The team consisted of Head of infotransactions Bo Risom Jensen and Senior Associate Danni Parkhøi

Read also Lynx's press release about the transaction: