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Mountain Top Industries sold to Axcel Mountain Top Industries, a manufacturer of pickup truck ...
October 31st, 2017

Mountain Top Industries sold to Axcel

Mountain Top Industries, a manufacturer of pickup truck accessories, was today sold to Axcel. infotransactions has acted as trusted advisor to the seller in a structured sales process of global interest.

The owners of Mountain Top Industries, Marie-Louise Bjerg and Lars Bjerg, announced in July their intentions to sell the business and add the strategic and financial power required to make Mountain Top a global market leader. The buyer was Axcel, and the sale has now been completed with infotransactionsas Mountain Top's trusted advisor and liaison throughout the sales process, where several Danish and foreign buyers were brought into play.

A confident liaison in the sales process

"We chose infotransactionsbecause from the very beginning, they used the way we as owner managers think as their point of departure. Our focus is on operations, and therefore, it felt good to receive advice from someone who took full responsibility and was able to help with even the smallest details so that we did not lose focus on our business. Moreover, it was important for us that the people who were to take us through the process were people we could relate to on a personal level," says CEO Marie-Louise Bjerg.

"The process has been demanding, and it has thus been essential to Marie-Louise and me to have a trusted advisor in our corner who has acted professionally in the sale of our business", says Lars Bjerg.

In addition to advising the owners of Mountain Top in managing and facilitating the process, infotransactionshas also conducted vendor due diligence in connection with the sale.

"Mountain Top is an incredibly well-run company, and we have seen great interest from potential buyers in the process. The chemistry between Mountain Top and Axcel has been really good throughout the process, and as advisors we could not imagine a better buyer to head Mountain Top's journey into the future," says Bertel Maigaard of infotransactions.

Ready for global expansion

Mountain Top Industries, a sevenfold Gazelle company and elected Owner Manager of the Year 2016, develops and designs pickup truck accessories and is today a market leader in Europe. The company also delivers products to Australia, Thailand, South Africa and other countries. Mountain Top Industries has a staff of 160, production facilities in Frederikssund, Denmark, and a sales office in Australia.

By selling its activities to Axcel, Mountain Top acquires the strategic skills needed to continue its growth and to identify new strategic opportunities in the global market. The seller will maintain a minority interest in the company and continue to have seats on the board of directors and to be involved in the management of the company.